Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Big 5 year check-up!

Cameron had her 5 year-old check-up with Dr. Yap yesterday.  She was so excited to see him and get the suckers.  I knew all along this was not going to be a fun appointment because I knew she was going to get 3 shots.  Several of my friends had warned me how horrible the shots were and to beware.  So, I started preparing Cameron several days before her actual appointment about the shots.  At first, it didn't seem to bother her.  She just knew she had to get the shots in order to start kindergarten in the fall.  However, the night before her big appointment, she started to cry and tell me how she DIDN'T want to go see Dr. Yap.  I told her that we had to go so she could start KG, but that didn't phase her. I even used the "you can pick out any toy at Toys-R-Us" if you are a big girl and let the nurse give you your shots.  Well, the big day arrived and we went to see Dr. Yap.  He did his routine check-up with and said everything looked great.  Then, the dreaded moment arrived...the nurse came back in the room with 3 syringes.  She wanted to know if Cameron wanted the shots in her arms or legs...Cameron just looked at me with this "help me mommy, I'm scared" look.  We decided to do the arms.  Throughout all 3 shots, Cameron just kept her head buried in my chest and was so brave!  I was so proud of her and realized how much she has grown-up over the past 5 years.  Needless to say, that night we made a trip to Toys-R-Us for the promised "toy" (which she picked out Toy Story 3 movie) and then ate dinner at Applebee's, (she wanted Applebee's so she could eat ribs).

You can tell by the look on her face above, that she is trying to be so brave and not cry! What a sweet girl...
 All done with the shots and she survived!

 Eating her favorite food...ribs on the bone.  This girl loves her some ribs!

 Jaylee eating her favorite...mac-n-cheese!

This is what Cameron picked out at Toys-r-Us for being so brave during her shots....Toy Story 3!